Hey lipstick lovers. You must be here to talk the lipstick that has taken the internet by storm. I am talking about LipSense, in case you missed the title somehow. I can't blame anyone for being intrigued. I certainly was. I think we have all seen that VIDEO floating around of the girl with the two different colors, rubbing her mouth super hard and the product didn't budge. I am a lipstick kinda girl, so I had to test it out for myself...
Read MoreWhite Poncho and a shocking DISCOVERY
A dash of fashion...
Hello lovelies. Why is time flying by so stinking quickly? I will be twenty-four in less than a week! That is insane to me. It was just yesterday that I graduated high school, right? I am over half way to a ten year class re-union. What? Anyway, here is a spontaneous look I threw together. My sweet Mimi bought me this sweater poncho and she said, "you better put that in your blog." So, I am doing what she said. (Insert a laughing and heart emoji here.)
To recreate this look: Poncho (On sale, Under 30$) , Top (Under 30$) , Leggings (Similar, Under 30$) , Shoes (The most similar that I could find) , Bag (Old Fossil, no shame. I still love it)
You can get all of the clothing pieces for under thirty dollars each. This poncho is also on sale. I would love to get it in every color. I tried not to highlight my bag too much because I could not find anything remotely similar. It is an old Fossil cross-body, and I have no shame in carrying it. It is still one of my favorites.
You know the drill, to get a little dose of Jesus, keep reading, if not I hope you enjoy your soon arriving weekend. And Thank you so much for stopping by.
Here Is a "selfie" close up of my makeup and hair. Both were inspired by the way that I like to wear it in high school. Products linked below.
Makeup Products used: Foundation: Colored Clay Liquid Foundation, Blush: Shade Glisten, Highlight: Champagne Pop, Eyeshadow: Tartelette palette, Mascara: Lights Camera Lashes, Liner: Blackest Black Gel Liner,
Hair Products: MorroccanOil, Heat protectant: Chi Iron Guard 44, Hairspray: Big Sexy Hair Volumizing, Curling Wand: Nume 35 Mm Barrel wand, Thickening spray: Kenra Dry thickening spray.
A dose of faith...
If you are friends with me on Facebook then you may have already heard what I am about to tell you. I recently figured out something that I just cannot overlook and I feel strongly that I must share with all of you. I learned about something dark hidden in our beauty community. I am highly surprised that I have not already heard about it. I must warn, there is a bit of terminology that is not suitable for children or the faint of heart. If you are someone who doesn't care to hear about the Lord, then I wouldn't bother reading this, this post will only upset you. I must also preface that I believe in the Lord and chose to live for him, and this post is to help inform others who have made the same decision as me.
Earlier this week, Jereme ended up giving me an early birthday present. (Mostly because I had already found out about it.) He got me the Kat Von D Shade and Light eye palette that I have been wanting since the moment it came out. I just never had the spare money to get it. If you have ever been to a Sephora store or are even remotely involved in the online beauty community, then I am sure that you have heard about it. If not, I will just say that it is a highly sought after and praised eye-shadow palette. Well, I was ecstatic to say the least. I may have even cried a little bit. (I cry about about everything.)
I have always been a fan of Kat Von D because of her talent and quirk. I even dressed up as her one year for Halloween back when I participated in the Holiday. I always respected the way she embraced differences and uniqueness in people. She always said things like not to judge a book by its cover and to not believe stereotypes. I thought she was the epitome of stereotype breaker... and awesome. But then I took a closer look. I learned that it wasn't that she actually accepted everyone. She really only embraces people just like her. If you take a look at her brand, it is represented pretty much only by goth. That really disappointed me.
Almost immediately after opening and swatching the creamy-ness that was everything I was hoping for, I noticed something odd. One of the shadows was named succubus, and for a reason too long to discuss now, I knew what that meant. I thought to myself "What a terrible name to name one of your shadows. Why would anyone ever name anything that?" If you do not know what that means, it is defined by Merriam-Webster as, "a demon assuming female form to have sexual intercourse with men in their sleep." And that, is the name of a shadow that I would have placed on my eye. I do not think so. I believe that as a Christian, I am to hold to what is good and pure and light. This does not fit that description. To go out into the world to spread light and truth every day with a symbolic demon on my face? No thank you. I personally don't want anything to do with anything involving demons. I'm good.
Upon further inspections, I realized that I did not recognize most of the other names of the shadows. So I started researching them. I was pretty horrified at what I found. They were ALL names associated with demons, demonic things (tarot cards), or demonic characters and basically just all evil. Every single one of the shadows was named after a demon or something horrifying. I do not want to list them all, but here is a link to the palette where you can see the names in the description and research them for yourself. (Edited: The palette has since been re-packaged to not show the names. I will insert before and after pictures.) Just to name a few so that you know how freaky it is (Definitions are linked to their sources) : Sytry: is a demon from the beliefs of the black magic , occult science of invocation of demonic entities. Saleos : is a mighty Great Duke of Hell ruling thirty legions of demons. Shax : is a Great Marquis of Hell, and has power over thirty legions of demons on evil horses. If that is not enough to freak you out then I do not know what will. I mean why would anyone want to put that on their face? This is one of the most popular palettes right now, and people don't even realize what the names mean.
I mentioned that I was shocked that I had not already heard about this. That reason is because there have already been a few attacks targeted at Kat's brand. One of them being when Sephora took down the shade of lipstick called "Underage Red" from their site because it was too offensive. I find it crazy that that is too offensive, but demonic names are not. Boy, what a strange world we live in. That is just where we are as a culture. I also noticed that most of the names of all of her products should be considered controversial, but they aren't. I mean one of her shadows in another palette is called 3am. That is the witching hour in case you were wondering. One of her lipsticks is named witches for peet sake. When did witchcraft become so cool? Witchcraft is totally against the Lord. Revelation 21:8 “But cowards, unbelievers, the corrupt, murderers, the immoral, those who practice witchcraft, idol worshipers, and all liars–their fate is in the fiery lake of burning sulfur.”
I don't mean to make this sound nasty or hateful or judgmental towards Kat Von D. I don't know actually know her. I am only certain that she supports things that I as a Christian you should not. She is her own person and is entitled to do that. If she wants to build her brand upon the those things, then that is fine. However, it is completely against what I feel I should support as a Christian. I have heard Kat say that she doesn't buy things that are against her principles in hopes that it will make a statement and the producers will stop producing it. I feel the same way about this with supporting anti-Christian things. I know that being a Christian and standing for God is not the popular thing to do, but if more Christians would do that, it would make a loud statement. One that is powerful and could change lives.
I told Jereme that the Lord was seeing what I would do with this information. He was making me put my money where my mouth is. We decided to take it back. I simply can not and will not support occultism in any way or shape. 2 Corinthians 6:14 : Do not be yoked together with unbelievers. For what do righteousness and wickedness have in common? Or what fellowship can light have with darkness. Some people will call me crazy for caring about something as "silly and petty" as eye-shadow names, but I could care less. The spiritual realm is real. Demons are real, and I don't play around with anything that has to do with them. I won't compromise. The destination of my soul is something I take seriously. I take the Lord and his word very seriously. I firmly believe that nothing happens by chance. The Lord would not have brought this to my attention so quickly if it were not a big deal to him. I even asked Jereme if he thought that the Lord cared about something something like that. The answer is yes! He cares about everything!
I am sure that most will not know why I even care so much to write a whole post about it, either. I want to help people to not be deceived even when it pertains to the small things. The word of the Lord says "Do not be deceived." Galatians 6:7-8 : "Do not be deceived: God is not mocked, for whatever one sows, that will he also reap. For the one who sows to his own flesh will from the flesh reap corruption, but the one who sows to the Spirit will from the Spirit reap eternal life." And that is exactly what is happening with the sales of this palette. People are being deceived into bringing demonic things into their homes. I can't know this information and not share it. Deuteronomy 7:26 says "Nor shall you bring an abomination into your house, lest you be doomed to destruction like it. You shall utterly detest it and utterly abhor it, for it is an accursed thing." I think that is something that we certainly should abide by. If nothing else, most people are unknowingly reading/saying the names of these demons every time the use the palette. I would not have known what those names were without it being brought to my attention. Once I realized the truth about the palette, it was like a skunk was in my house until I could get it returned. I felt a huge relief once I had returned it too.
I think it is important to share any information concerning the Lord that He brings to our attention. Our goal should be to help lead others to Christ, therefore it is also important to spread his truth and to let others know when they are being deceived and tricked. Romans 12:2 : "Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect." I do not think I could pick a better verse that describes my view on this topic. Just because no one else is acknowledging/accepting this does not mean that it is not important.
I hope you found this information to be useful and helpful. I would love to hear about any stories like this that you have. How has the Lord shown you truth lately? I hope you also have a fab weekend. Thank you so much for stopping by.
Love Always,
“Besides this you know the time, that the hour has come for you to wake from sleep. For salvation is nearer to us now than when we first believed. The night is far gone; the day is at hand. So then let us cast off the works of darkness and put on the armor of light. Let us walk properly as in the daytime, not in orgies and drunkenness, not in sexual immorality and sensuality, not in quarreling and jealousy. But put on the Lord Jesus Christ, and make no provision for the flesh, to gratify its desires.”