It’s a girl! It’s a girl! It’s a girl! WE ARE HAVING A BABY GIRL! Could my heart be any fuller? I wanted a girl so badly. I am so overjoyed I can hardly contain it. Jereme wanted a boy, but I know he will be so overjoyed with this little girl. The Lord knew it was my heart that needed her. We found out Wednesday, March 26 what our little jelly bean was. I was trying so hard not to cry through the whole ultrasound, but by the end of it, I think I had winged liner to my ears. She is exactly what I needed.
I have had the feeling for a few weeks that it is a girl. It is so funny. So many things happened leading up to the gender ultrasound so perfectly fit a girl without us even knowing. Early on in the pregnancy, I bought a girl bouncer. Last week Jereme and I got this precious little yellow outfit. I said that if it was a boy, we could just exchange it. In my heart I was hoping we wouldn’t have to though. Then, I found some adorable vintage books and one was Madeline. I told Jereme that we could get it just in case it is a girl. My Dad told me just before the ultrasound that he knew it was a girl. Jereme’s mom has told me my entire pregnancy that it was a girl. I just think that is so neat.
Something I mentioned in my announcement post, was that the Lord gave me a special signs of lambs to encourage me about having a baby. Although I had some of the details wrong and it happened much faster than I planned; those signs were such a light to me. Before I got pregnant, the Lord would show me lambs every day. I know it might sound weird, but it was confirmation to me that I would indeed be having a baby. What I didn’t mention, was that they were always associated with little girls. I have so many pictures and screenshots saved for a special book for my sweet girl of so many those instances. In my heart, I always suspected that when I did get pregnant, I would have a little girl; because of those signs. It’s one thing to suspect that. For it to actually happen, it is just is so much more special to me.
When I am ready to reveal her name, I will share so many more details about how the Lord spoke to us through this season. Just the way the Lord has orchestrated this from start to now has just been so amazing to see. I feel so tremendously blessed. We are so far from where I thought we would be at this moment, but it turns out that it is perfect this way. I also can’t even tell you how excited I am to see Jereme growing into a daddy. I just know he will be the best. He is so involved and loving already. I have gotten to see a much more tender side of him through this. He has been so good to me and helpful and thoughtful. I just love it. He’s the best.
We took these pictures yesterday because I wanted to get this post up as fast as possible. After we took them, I just couldn’t stop crying. I had prayed on the way there for the Lord to make the lighting be perfect so that we could get some good shots. I was a little sad because I didn’t get to have the exact type of gender reveal party I wanted. Life is just too hectic with this moving situation, we just couldn’t do anything big. Then on top of that, our idea flopped so bad. We were got pink and blue bubble gum and we were going to blow bubbles and pop the wrong color to reveal the right one. It just so happens, that there are types of gum that absolutely will not produce a bubble. We found this out first hand. So we had to last minute get poppers. Hence why I was a little sad and prayed that we would get good lighting. And Y’all, he answered. Right when we got to this spot, the most perfect filter of clouds covered the sun, so the lighting wasn’t too harsh. The pictures turned out perfect. I mean, I am here to tell you, prayer works. I just sobbed, thanking the Lord for them. He even went a step further showed off with a beautiful pink and blue sky.
Thank you for being patient with me while I got these pictures taken and this post uploaded. I didn’t want to skip this special moment. Now, if you would, join me in this celebration. We are so thankful.This baby girl has no idea how loved she already is. OH, and I am accepting any and all little girly clothes or items that you may be getting rid of. Just let me know. Thank you so much for stopping by.
“11 He has made everything beautiful in its time. Also, he has put eternity into man’s heart, yet so that he cannot find out what God has done from the beginning to the end.”