Well, Hello Lovelies. It is THAT time. I just can not not be a part of the madness any longer. Bring on pumpkin spice everything, Starbucks, and leggings. I mean after all, Thanksgiving and Christmas are my absolute favorite times of year. How could I not blog about it? Insert all of the fall color emoji's here. I think I am too obsessed.
Fall is my favorite time of year when it comes to all things but mostly makeup. I assumed rather than just explaining the look to you, I would show you instead. I love dark eye and dark lip combos, but you can not really pull that off all year long. I would wear this every single day if I weren't too lazy. Mustards, plums, and burgundies, can I get yes please. Here is everything I used to create this look. Yes I know it is a lot, but I love makeup. What can I say?
Primer: Flower Beauty In Your Prime Perfecting Primer
Foundation: Estee Lauder Double Wear Stay In Place Liquid Makeup in the Shade 1N1 (Ivory Nude)
Concealer: It Cosmetics Bye Bye Under Eye in Neutral Medium
Setting Powder: Bye Bye Pores Pressed Powder
Contour: Anastasia Beverly Hills Contour Kit (shade: Fawn)
Blush: Tarte: Tarte Amazonian Clay 12-hr wear Blush: Fearless and Charisma
Highlight: Becca Shimmering Skin Perfector in Champange Pop (The only way you can get it)
Eyeshadow: Tartelette Palette and The Jaclyn Hill Favorites palate from Morphe. No longer available, but you can still get the individual shadows on the Morphe website.
Liner: Maybelline Line Stiletto in Blackest Black
Mascara: Hello Lashes Extensions
Lashes: Ardell Double Up Lashes #204
Lip liner: Prestige Classic Lip liner in the shade Auburn
Liquid Lip: Signature Club A Round the Clock Liquid Lipstick in Pink Orchid
So now that you have seen what it takes to put that face together, it's Tag Time! I am stealing the Youtuber Fall tag questions and taking the liberty of adding some of my own questions. I have never been good at picking just ONE favorite thing for any category. Please forgive me for listing several things for a few categories. Whoopsie.
Favorite Fall Candle(s): Bath and Body Works Sweater Weather and Leaves. Hands down, those are my favorite.
Favorite Fall Lip Color(s): I love to use this Prestige Lip Liner in the shade Auburn. I wear it all over my entire lips. My other fav is Signature Club A Round the Clock Liquid Lipstick in the shade Peach Blossom. I also love to use them together to create an ombre effect.
Favorite Starbucks Drink: My favorite Starbucks drink never changes, and it is the Caramel Frappachino. Yes, it is super not good for you, and no I do not care. It is perfect.
Favorite Fall Trend: Plaid and Fringe. Is that even a questions?
Favorite Fall Movie: Runaway Bride. The whole movie is set during the Fall and it just gives me all sorts of the perfect feels. If I could plant myself into a movie, it would be that one.
Favorite Fall TV Show: The only show that I watch is dancing with the stars, so it would for sure have to be that.
Favorite Thanksgiving Food: Stuffing and Gravy.
Favorite Fall Activity: Cuddling, pumpkin patches, or going for drives. I also love taking down the Fall decorations the day after Thanksgiving and swapping the for Christmas.
Thank you so much for stopping by. If you completed a fall tag let me know, or feel free to tell me your favs. I would love to hear about them.
“Perhaps this is the moment for which you were created. ”