Hello Lovelies,
Today I have a rather lengthy review for you of a new-ish tanning product that I have recently tried. It is that time of year again to start getting that sun-kissed glow and I am all about that fake tan life. Ladies, your skin is a sacred thing. It is a temple, and you take care of your temple. The less sun you expose your skin to, the longer you can preserve its youthfulness. I use to be all about tanning beds, but no more. I am finally taking heed to the warnings of my grandmother. Beds are so bad for you internally and externally. Now when I have to be outside, I cake on the sun screen and I always use a makeup that has a high SPF. I saw a meme the other day that was someone talking about going to the tanning bed, and the caption underneath said, "Does anyone even still use those?", and I was like, my thoughts exactly! You can get the same look in a tube with fewer health hazards, and way less money. Ladies, do yourself a favor; fake tan! End rant.
Every year I venture out to try new tanning products but I always seem to be disappointed with the results. They are either: too orange, too drying, non-drying, too green, too smelly, too glittery, etc, but this time I think I have found the holy grail. This year I ventured to Loving Tan. I had heard about this company like six months ago (Via Youtube makeup guru Jaclyn Hill) and really wanted to try it out, but at the time, the company did not have a warehouse in the US. (They are an Australian company.) And at the time, shipping to get it from Australia was thirty dollars on top of the already semi expensive price. The good thing is that they JUST got a warehouse in the US, so no more outrageous shipping. Their site also has some crazy good before and after pics. I recommend at least checking those out. There are some that blow mine away.
I decided upon the 2 Hour Express in Dark, and now that I have used the product and know how it works, and I can not even believe that there are even darker options than what I have. Wow; I think I might would look a whole new race. When I run out of this, I will be trying some of those too. By the way, it took less than a business week to receive, so I commend them on their shipping time. The product has no alcohol or parabens. It has Aloe vera and walnut extract and is organic. You can put clothes on within sixty seconds of application. It also doesn't have a foul or strong smell either. It actually smells really great, which is awesome. I do not like to smell like a fake tanner.
My first experience with the application of this product was a little crazy. I treated it like my other products and that was my mistake. I was in a rush that day and thought that I could apply it as quickly as some of the others that I have used. Using the Deluxe Applicator Mitt, I applied it to one leg and realized very quickly that I would need more time to blend it properly. I was shocked that I literally saw an immediate tan though, like a drastic one! Realizing that I did not have time to do my full body, I washed it off after three minutes of having it on. I was even more shocked that I could still see a difference after such a short time. The label says that it is a fast drying product and it is not kidding.
The next time that I applied it, I gave myself plenty of time. I tried spreading full pumps all over, but it dries too fast for that. What worked best for me was taking half pumps and spreading in tiny circles, blending outward. I am not going to lie, the guide tan really scared me. It looked streaky and splotchy, and dried before I could get it as blended as I wanted. It dries so fast that I almost do not like it. The guide tan also seemed to make me look like I had I tinge of sun-bun, but was gone once I washed it off.
After I got it all on, I waited the two hours for maximum development, (I actually waited three), then washed it off. Tons of color was going down the drain and that scared me. I was thinking "Great, I just completely wasted my time because I just washed it all off". Oddly enough though, when I dried off I realized that ninety percent of the color was still there! The streaky/splotchy look was also gone. It was a smooth solid even covering. Even though the product says that it is fully developed in two hours, I swear that I woke up the next day and it was even darker. So far the initial application has lasted a solid week without fading. Next week I will give an update on its fade progress. If you are interested in that, be sure to check back.
What I love the most about this product is that you get immediate color payoff in just one application. You do not have to build gradually for a week in order to see results. I know that several products are like that. I love that it is not orange or green based either. Let me know if you decide to try it, I would love to see and hear about your experience.
TIPS: Buy the bundle. At the bottom of the home page it has bundling options. If you buy it that way, you can get the applicator mitt for four dollars rather that fifteen. It saves tons to bundle. Oh and if you are a Jaclyn Hill fan, she has an awesome coupon for it in one of her videos. Go watch it to hear her opinion on it. You definitely want to be exfoliated when you use this. Also make sure to moisturize your extra dry areas like your hands, elbows, knees, and feet.
Thank you so much for stopping by.
“Do you not know that you are a temple of God and that the Spirit of God dwells in you? If any man destroys the temple of God, God will destroy him, for the temple of God is holy, and that is what you are.”