Hello Lovelies, has this weather been as crazy to you as it has been me? It is so confusing. One day it is cold and the next it is scorching. I mean just in these pictures, I was standing in front of spring flowers freezing. I threw this together for a weekend outing with the fella. It was super chilly and we were going to be outside for awhile. I chose black staples and a printed jacket. You can not go wrong with either in my opinion. All black everything with a pop of contrast equals a pop of perfect quick outfit.
I have had this jacket for awhile but I still love it. If you did not already know, I love anything Indian, Aztec, Western, or Tribal print (Whatever you prefer to call it). I am not for sure where that love comes from; I just know that it is something that I have always been attracted too.
Both my tunic and leggings were purchased through Jane.com , but I will link the items from their original seller below. Again, I will state, what are you doing with yourself if you are not taking advantage of Jane.com. You really can not beat the deals, and every wardrobe need staple pieces.
“Though she be but little, she is fierce!”