Hey, friends. Popping on to share a little story with you. A few days ago, it was on my heart to share a little word of encouragement on my InstaStories. It was super random. I wasn't wearing an ounce of makeup and my hair was not fixed. It was a very raw, come as you are kind of moment. You can still see the Insta story. It is highlighted on my feed under "Have Faith", if you are interested. It got a REALLY great response over there, so I thought I would share it over here too. Maybe someone who doesn't get on Instagram needs to hear it too. Hopefully it will encourage you just as much as it does me.
So I have to preface you with a little information before I get into the main part. I LOVE to write in journals. I keep several journals going all the time, each with different types of content. There is just something about writing on actual paper vs using tech, that is so relaxing to me. There is one journal in particular that I want to mention. In this journal, I write down every single time the Lord comes through and provides for Jereme and I in insane ways. It happens way more than you would expect. Whether that provision comes in the form of clothes, or shoes, or finances, I try to document each instance.
I was recently writing in that journal, and I ran across an older entry of one of the most amazing things that has happen to us, to date. This subsequently following a conversation I had with my best friend about a related topic. Now hang in here with me. (Hopefully) This will all make sense at the end. She was telling me about her dream home, and what it would look like if she could have it. She was sending me pictures and describing how it was absolutely perfect for her and her little family. Then after we sat there dreaming together for a good little bit, she said to me "Well I wish, but it's never going to happen." I could tell she felt defeated about it, and like it was a dream that was un-obtainable and too far out of her reach. Which then got me to thinking about how many people actually believe that very same thing about their own dreams, goals, and wishes, and it made me so sad.
I mean, I know SO many people who truly believe that their dreams and hopes are never going to happen. It more than makes me sad. I'm angry about it, because it is such a lie from Satan. That is what he wants you to believe, and I am here to tell you, that it is not true. I got to talking to my sweet friend, trying to encourage her that it was not true and that she can't think like that. (Usually, she is the one encouraging me, so I was excited to get to encourage her for a change.) But, it is true. You really can not allow yourself to have those thoughts. The only thing it is good for is allowing Satan to steal your hope and joy. It breaks my heart to know that so many people feel that way.
I believe that there is absolutely nothing in this world that you can not do, or have or accomplish if you have God on your side; and if it is HIS WILL, and if you ask him for it. I think we underestimate the power of asking the Lord for things. You see. The thing is, The Lord WANTS you to be happy. More importantly, I believe that He WANTS you to trust in his ability to provide you that happiness and to be your source of happy. You may already think of God as your provider, but when you think about his provision in terms of your happiness, it makes it even more special when you see him do it.
I can't remember who I heard this from, but in my best attempts to remember what they said; here is their amazing quote. "Think about how much you love to give your children (or pets, or family, or friends) gifts. If you being just a mere human love so much to make your children happen, image how much more our Heavenly Father loves to please his children." If you believe that God isn't capable of giving you your biggest hopes and dreams, then you must have no reason to hope at all. You must have no joy, either. It says right there in scripture:
“4 Delight thyself also in the Lord: and he shall give thee the desires of thine heart.
5 Commit thy way unto the Lord; trust also in him; and he shall bring it to pass.”
Now, let's back up, to the story I mentioned. The journal entry. No kidding, it was one of the most amazing things that has ever happened. Last year, there was a specific car Jereme would not stop talking about. I am pretty sure I heard the words Porsche Cayenne every single day last year. It was all he could talk about. If you didn't know, Jereme is huge Porsche enthusiast. He collects anything Porsche. He loves it. Before we were together he bought himself a vintage 944. That is the car that he has had since I have know him and we both love that little car.
Since we got married there a Porsche Cayenne just was not in the budget. We even talked about selling his little 944 to put towards getting the car he wanted, but he just didn't want to part with it. After so long of hearing him talk about the Cayenne, I got a little down. I thought to myself, "well if I weren't in the picture, he could afford to get this dream car. I kept thinking about all of the things that he sacrifices to make me happy. I know that is such a silly thing to think, but I did.
Then one day we were talking about it with his mom, and she said "Well, have you ever just asked the Lord for it in prayer?" Jereme was like, "Um no." A couple of weeks later he said to me, "I have really been praying for the Lord to provide me that car some how, some way. It is a the perfect mix of car, because it is the perfect mom car for you and the perfect sports car for me. So I really wish that you would just join me in praying for this car." To be honest, I didn't think up until then that he was serious about wanting it that badly. But, I said "okay, I will pray for it, if that is what you really want. And, I did.
Fast forward a few months later. Jereme got into TWO minor car accidents in TWO consecutive days, and he messed up his little car. Thankfully, he wasn't injured in either of the accidents and neither was his fault. So the insurance covered it. After the accidents, Jereme said the strangest thing to me. He said, "I just know this is God. It has to be. Some how, some way, he is going to provide that car for us. I just know it." I thought he was crazy for minute, I won't lie. I said, "You just got into two car accidents! What are you talking about?" He said, "You don't understand. I just prayed that even if it meant him totaling the 944, I would give it up it get the Cayenne." What a strange thing to pray Jereme.
If you have ever dealt with insurance companies, then you know how lengthy of a process that is. We were without his car for quite a while waiting on it to come through, and it was a huge pain. Once we finally got the money to either fix the car or put it towards a new one, it was still a long wait. We chose to put it towards a new one and just fix the 944 on our own later. Even though we got a nice amount of money from the accidents, it still wasn't enough to get the car that we wanted. J looked for one anyways. He assured me that there would be one. He just felt that God would provide.
And you guys, HE DID!!!!!
After much more waiting, I started to believe that maybe he was wrong. Maybe we weren't going to be finding one. I insisted that we should just put it towards something else that we could afford. J was still adamant that God was going to provide the car. Then, just as he was starting to look at other options, his mechanic friend called him. He he knew that J was on the lookout for a Cayenne. He said "Hey, I think I have something that you might be interested in. There is this dentist who has a Cayenne that he is wanting to part with. It needs a few things fixed, but I drove it and it is a solid car. The dentist wants to fix the car and turn around and sell it. But I talked him into selling it as is if you want it, and you and I can work out a deal to fix it". He did that because he knew that if he fixed it first, we wouldn't be able to afford it.
You guys! This next part is INSANE! He was selling the car for the EXACT amount of money that we had. If that wasn't enough, the mechanic even said that he would let us pay for the work in increments if we needed to. To find a mechanic that will do that these days is a true gem.
All of that to say, we got the exact car that we prayed for in the exact way that we prayed for it. Is that not a miracle? To top off the entire story, when I was telling the story on my Instagram, I looked over, and the journal that I mentioned earlier had the most appropriate scripture on the cover. Psalm 37:4-5 "Delight thyself also in the Lord: and he shall give thee the desires of thine heart." I seriously teared up when I saw it. I can't make this stuff up. All of that to say, there is no way that you can convince me that The Lord doesn't want to give you the desires of your heart. You just can't do it.
Please do not confuse this with me telling you to only pray for the things you want. God is not your vending machine, nor is he your excuse to not work hard for things. I am also not advocating discontentment with what you have. I just think that our Father in heaven is SO GOOD and GRACIOUS. He wants us to delight in him and be HAPPY. Don't fall into the hole of thinking that your dreams can't happen because that is a downright lie. Don't even let yourself think that it isn't a possibility. They can happen. Have faith in God and his plans and promises. If for some reason the answer is not what you expected, know that the Lord can see the whole picture and I guarantee that he is working it out for your good.
I hope this encourages you today, and that you find a new hope in your dreams, goals and wishes. If it did, tell me about it in the comment section below (or message me anywhere). I would love to hear about it. Thank you so much for stopping by.
Love always, Sarah
“A dream is a wish your heart makes
When you’re fast asleep
In dreams you will lose your heartaches
Whatever you wish for, you keep
Have faith in your dreams and someday
Your rainbow will come smiling through
No matter how your heart is grieving
If you keep on believing
The dream that you wish will come true.”