Hello, Lovelies. By now you have celebrated Christmas and I hope that you had a wonderful one. I hope you remembered that Jesus is the reason. I also hope that your New Year celebration is a blast. Can I take a minute and talk about this wall? Yes, this wall is perfection and I had to take advantage. I hope to get more shots in front of it. It was storming and raining while I was taking these shots. As you can see, I got scared when the lightening flashed. YOLO, I guess.
I am bringing you a super simple look to achieve. You can easily re-create this with a black jumpsuit or a black top and leggings. Do not tell me, "Sarah, leggings are not pants." because I will beg to differ. My mother-in-love sent me a meme that described my standpoint on leggings perfectly and I have to share. It said: "Anyone that doesn't agree with leggings as pants can physically fight me. And I'm going to win because I have a full range of motions due to the fact that I'm wearing leggings as pants.".
In all honesty, I have to be able to move around and be comfortable throughout the day. That is why you may have noticed a theme of casual and comfort throughout my blog. My days never consist of the same thing. One day I might be making a sign while using messy wax and a drill. The next day I may be painting my own Degas. So I will make it clear; leggings in my wardrobe are a must have. Girls, as long as you cover your tush completely, you are good to go. No one wants to read your undies when you bend over.
Poncho Scarf: Jane.com , Leggings: My Favorite , Top: Caralase , Knit Scarf: (Handmade by my niece) Similar Here , Shoes: Chinese Laundry
If you have made it this far, I thank you for taking the time to spend a portion of your day with me. If you still want more, read on. I have a story to tell. Shocker, right? Most of the stories that I have shared here have been about the wonderful things that the Lord has given me. While those stories are great, I think that I have yet to tell you about a time that I have been corrected by the Lord. I never want to give off the impression that I am Mrs. Goody-do-right-all-the-time-because-that-is-how-you-get-blessed. No, I am human and I make mistakes too and quite often. The Lord treats us all the same.
With that being said, let me tell you about the spanking that The Lord gave me last week. To be more specific, it happened the day that I posted Clothes and Confessions. (You may need to reference that in order to fully understand this story.) If you did not already know, Jereme has been placed into a new job. It came complete with a new location and a no longer need for me. I had mixed feelings about the job switch from the beginning. I was super happy that I was no longer needed, but also extremely upset that I would no longer be getting to spend every day, all day with Jereme. I am not one of those women who get annoyed by her husband's constant presence. In fact, it is quite the opposite. I tried to talk myself into liking the job change before it ever happened but when it came down to it, I was anything but happy. I did not take it well AT ALL.
The job gave me the new title of stay-at-home-wifey. To most, that would be extremely exciting but to me it was infuriating. I mean who likes to stay at home and do whatever they want whenever they want? Said by no one ever. So what the heck could I possibly complain about? I actually could not even tell you what about it made me so angry. I tried to make a list of what was bothering me so much but I could not pinpoint the problem. I was even acting ridiculous about it too. I would sit and brew all day. The more I thought about it, the angrier I got. I would even be so worked up by the end of the day that I turned into the Hulk as soon as he walked in the door.
Jereme finally became tired of me being so grumpy towards him every day for something that he could not help. He patiently reiterated the scripture that I had literally just posted that same day in my blog. “Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths.” Proverbs 3:5-6 (K.J.V). There I was preaching to everyone else when really I needed to be the one practicing what I was preaching. Then it dawned on me. I realized the real problem. I was scared of the change and I was not trusting in God for my own future.
I would like to say that Jereme's reminder was all that it took to snap me back to life again, however, that is simply not the case. I felt stupid for not thinking about it in that way and embarrassed because he had to tell me. I knew The Lord was using Jereme to give me a little slap on the hand. However, I stood ground with my actions intact to say the least. I did not even bat a fake eyelash towards changing my attitude; nope, not me.
Even though I had things to do that day, I was so angry that I just wanted to stay home and do nothing. Now that I think about it, that i funny. That is exactly what I was griping about. I might also add that my mood was intensely elevated due to a certain aunt that had decided to make her monthly weeks stay. I decided that I needed to follow through with my plans of going to Hobby Lobby and then to his parents for Christmas cookie baking. I thought, "if those two things could not cheer me up, then I am doomed.", all the while I still had not let up my grumpy disposition an ounce.
The whole way to Hobby Lobby (Holly Hobby as our grandmother calls it) Jereme kept cracking jokes to try to make me laugh. I was not having it. Upon arrival, we were making our way to the entrance when we both spotted a license plate inscribed "PROV356". Jereme said "Oh look, a scripture. You should look it up." I replied, "I don't have to, I already know what it says." We both kind of looked at each other stunned and simultaneously said the scripture. Darn, there goes another smack to the hand.
Now is the part that I would REALLY like to say that I took the hint and changed my tude, but again, it was not. I half way acted like that was a coincidence. That was not something specifically directed for me to see. By the way, I do not believe in coincidences nor did I when this was happening. I believe that everything has a distinct purpose and is part of a bigger scheme that we know little to nothing about.
We go inside. I gathered all of the supplies that I needed plus two or four. I can never leave that store with just one thing. The struggle is real. While we were waiting in the checkout line, I spotted a stack of Stars Wars prints stacked at the front of the store near the exit ramps. For some strange reason, I felt the need to go look at them even though I had no interest whatsoever in purchasing one of them. I was flipping through the prints when I spotted a single small wooden sign siting above them. By now, you can probably guess by now what was on it. Yep, it was Proverbs 3:5-6. I kind of thought out loud "Lord you have got to be joking me right now. Fine, I will have it your way. I will change my tude." Even though I said it, it was more out of irritation than commitment. I was irritated that I kept getting in trouble for not trusting in HIM.
When we got to his parents house I tried to put a smile on, but there was no doubting that it was contrived. I tried to blame it on "not feeling well". That was technically not a lie because I really was not feeling good. It just had nothing to do with sickness. I told his mother all about The Lord showing me the scriptures over and over again. We always think it is funny when things like that happen. We skipped the cookie making and decided to watch the Jonah play from the Sight and Sound Theater. Jereme's mother had just been to Branson to see it while she was on her anniversary getaway. She really wanted us to see it too. If you have not seen the play, I highly recommend it.
I will cut to the chase about what followed. The scripture was spoken not once but TWICE during the play. If you do not believe me, get the DVD and watch it for yourself. I mean I could not make this stuff up. By the end of the play, I was sobbing. The last time I even shouted, "OKAY GOD, I GET IT." and I honestly meant it that time too. I mean how could I write off five clear messages from The Lord? The answer is, I don't. I changed my attitude and listened. I started the next day with a fresh set of eyes.
You could never convince me that God is not real. You could never convince me that HE is not patient. You could never convince me that HE does not care for me, even if it is something as light as having a bad attitude. The point is that HE was telling me to trust in HIS plan rather than my own. HE kept telling me until I listened. I will venture to say that he is telling you the same thing. Trust in HIM. Being in those exact perfect places at those right moments to hear and see that scripture was no accident or "coincidence". HE told me and I listened (eventually) I can honestly say that now things are for sure looking up. Has HE been trying to get a message to you lately? If so, I would love to hear about it. Message me or comment below with your stories.
As always, thank you so much for stopping by. Here are pictures of the license plate and the wooden sign. I also placed links above to my previous blog post and to the Jonah site. I hope you have a fabulous glitter filled New Year. God bless you.
“Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not on you own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direst your paths. ”