Hello Loves,
I hope you are having a fabulous day. Today I am blogging a style that I absolutely love. Combining black and gold is one of my favorite things to do. I think it is just so classy. An all black jumpsuit screams classy to me. Hey and guess what? I found this one at target! What a great way to save. I actually wore this to a friends wedding, but I think it would make an even better date night outfit. Don't you?
So, I have a funny story about buying the shoes that I am wearing here. I actually got them to wear for my sorority formal (once upon a time when I was in college). I was trying on shoes next to a lady who said she was on her lunch break. She said that she worked at a really large school here in Little Rock. We were sitting there chatting and giving each other advice on what looked best. Have I ever mentioned that I never meet a stranger? She made her selection and proceeded to checkout and leave, while I was still deciding. I went to the counter to pay for the shoes and that same lady popped from behind me and swiped her card just as I was about to. "Your shoes are on me. I just think you are the sweetest thing. Have a Great day." Out of utter shock, I just stood there dumbfounded thinking did that really just happen? Then I had to cry, because I cry over everything; and the lady disappeared from sight.
I never got her name sadly, and I can not remember the name of her school to save my life. What that lady did not know is that she was my God sent Angel that day. I was seriously having to give up a few meals just in order to buy those shoes in the first place. Not to mention, I was also basically living in my car or crashing at friends houses. Oh at the priorities of a college student. So if you are ever reading this unknown lady, or anyone who knows this lady, I pray that you contact me to let me thank you properly and to let me return the favor some how. I am so thankful for your act of kindness and generosity. Those shoes were not cheap either, let me add.
“Do not forget to show hospitality to strangers, for some who have done this have entertained angels without realizing it!”
“Give what you have. To someone, it may be better than you dare to think.”
“There is gold, and a multitude of rubies: but the lips of knowledge are a precious jewel.”