Hey, friends. I just celebrated my third anniversary at the end of June! So, of course, I had to dedicate a post. I can't believe we have been together for three whole years! I don't know how it can feel like it has been both a life time and no time at all. Every day I wake up so thankful to be next to Jereme. He truly is my absolute favorite person in the world.
I keep most of our marriage pretty private. I don't like to air my laundry on social media that's for sure. My step mom, (love you April) gave me the advice once to never build your man up to much. Other women might hear it and try to take him. While I laughed about how silly that was in the moment, a part of it stuck has stuck with me. I thought to myself, well, actually I really don't want other women to know how amazing he is because I don't share. Ha! And woman can be terrible. I'm looking at you Jezzy's. [Insert hysterical laughing emoji here] (Forgive me J for keeping you my best kept secret.
When I first met him, I wasn't all about the idea of having a man "cater to me". In fact, I was the "independent woman who would never need a man". And, I CERTAINLY was not okay with being a housewife. Then I realized why. I had closed my heart off to that vulnerability that is key to a good relationship. If I "needed" a man, then that made me weak in my mind. I realized that it was actually just my worldly training talking. The Lord knocked down those barriers quick, and He used Jereme to show me how I am SUPPOSED to be treated. He showed me how amazing it feels to actually be cherished. I am so grateful for that.
Being Jereme's wife is by far my favorite job. My easiest job. I love everything about it. Our first three years have been filled with so much love and growing and learning. I wasn't used a relationship without arguing and fighting. I think I was accustomed to that before, but Jereme has shown me what it truly means to compromise and work through differences. I am thankful to say that we don't really fight. Don't get me wrong, we have had a few arguments, but they always end with him trying to make me laugh. Then I forget what we were even talking about in the first place. They never last. He won't let me stay mad at him and it kills my heart to make him upset at me, and I pray that stays that way.
When we met, the first thing I noticed was that he was SO different than anyone before. He was the most interesting thing I had ever met. I knew from the moment we had our first conversation that I wanted him for my own. I also couldn't keep my eyes off of him. It took a few months for me to give in, but once I did, I was no nonsense. Game on. Forthcoming? Yea, I was. I even called a good friend of mine and said to him, " I have found the man I am going to marry". I meant it too.
Of course, it wasn't quite that easy at first. I actually stopped "talking" to him once before I made the full commitment to him. J was in it to win it to win it way before I admitted it to myself. Even though I knew it was right, I got so scared and backed away from him for a little while. Typical, right? He was just so nice to me that I didn't know how to handle it. I will never forget what he said to me "Yea, its cool. Nice guys always finish last. Do you want someone that treats you like crap? Because that's the way it seems to me." Then it dawned on me that I truly was pushing away the only guy that treated me right. I feel like so many people do that same thing. Am I wrong? The moment I gave in, I knew it was all over from there. I was done. He was my person. I was smitten. "I wanna grow old with you" kinda love.
Now, three years deep. I am so grateful to be able to say that I still love him more and more everyday. He is aging like fine wine, only getting sweeter with time. As if he wasn't already sweet enough. He has shown and modeled what it means to be a godly man a husband to me, and he makes it so easy to love him.
Now, if I could speak to the the ones still looking for a minute. I want you to know that you do NOT have to settle for less than superb. The right person is out there for you. When you find, do not pass it up. Marriage is fun and messy and exciting and boring all at the same time. It is absolutely WONDERFUL. We are created for this. (Unless the Lord specifically calls you to something else.)
Do not go into a marriage expecting to change someone, or with a list of expectations. If you can not accept the person for the way that they are, then it isn't right. If you have check boxes and stipulations and ultimatums, it isn't meant to be. Don't try to force or manipulate someone into loving you. Look for someone who makes it clear that they do. Look for someone that respects you and makes it easy to respect them. Look for honesty, trustworthiness, and dependability. There will be someone who fits you. Think about this. If you can find, what others to consider to be, a worst quality cute, then usually its a good indication that you are on the right track. There will be someone who makes loving them easy. There will be someone who wants to honor and cherish you and someone who really means "til' death do us part". Look for that, and hold on tight when you find it.
To Jereme, Thank you for three amazing years. Here is to many many more. I am grateful for the time that I have gotten to know you and love you. You make it so easy to love you. I love the life that we are building together. I cant wait for of the adventures we will take and the chapters we will make. Oh, and I am sorry I always leave my shoes everywhere and sucking at laundry. I'm working on it. Just know, that I am forgiving you for snoring.... and sorry I posted your snoring on Instagram. But not really. (If you didn't know I did that, sorry again.) Okay, love you. Bye.
Love always, Sarah
My Outfit
My Jumpsuit (In Black), Bomber, Earrings: Handmade by yours Truly
J's Outfit
Shirt: Similar Here, Pants (vans)
“With all humility and gentleness, with patience, showing forbearance to one another in love, being diligent to preserve the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace.”
“Love is patient, love is kind, and is not jealous; love does not brag and is not arrogant, does not act unbecomingly; it does not seek its own, is not provoked, does not take into account a wrong suffered, does not rejoice in unrighteousness, but rejoices with the truth; bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things. Love never fails; but if there are gifts of prophecy, they will be done away; if there are tongues, they will cease; if there is knowledge, it will be done away.”