Hello, loves. I wanted to get on here to have a little talk with you today just to "catch up". Since I have been so busy lately that I couldn't do normal posts, I thought now would be a good time to chat with you on a more personal level. Maybe I can even give you some encouragement for the day. Prepare yourself, this post will be different than usual. I wanted to address some things that will maybe answer some of the questions and comments I have received about this blog, like maybe why I even do it in the first place, or "what is she even thinking?".
"So Why Do You Do it?"
The number one question I get is "why?". Not that I owe anyone an explanation, however, the answer is simple. I enjoy it. What more reason do you need? Ha. I have always had a passion for clothes, shoes, hair, and makeup. All things girl, I am all about that. I also love sharing tidbits of my life with anyone who is interested. I have nothing to gain from it, I just enjoy sharing the things that I love with you.
My goal here is never to tell people how to dress or to push my ways of wearing makeup on you or to be a salesperson for a brand. In fact it is the exact opposite. I want to share with you things and businesses that I love to support. I want to inspire you to be YOU confidently. I never want to give the impression that my ways are right or perfect. You may not even like the way I do things. That is totally okay. It is totally okay to be different but at the same time it is also okay to be inspired by someone. I hope to do that for you. I also have so many passions. I just needed a place to be able to harness all of those. My goal is to inspire, that is all.
"What's with the Clothes/Makeup posts?"
As you may know, I come from an incredibly small town. Fashion there consists of different brands of southern T-shirts and (Insert expensive brand of jean here). In other words, there is not a lot of it. I love learning about new trends and products, so why not share my journey along the way. Again, my goal is to inspire. That is all.
When it comes to dress, I think that it does not have to be as complicated or for the love, as expensive as most bloggers/magazines/etc make it seem. I follow so many bloggers that always come up with beautiful styles and outfit inspiration. I have noticed a trend though. The bloggers always seem to post the most ridiculously priced items. Nothing irritates me more than finding an awesome outfit that I want to recreate, that "so-and-so" blogged, only to find out that it would cost me two or three grand to do so. No wonder so many girls result to buying t-shirts and jeans. It seems too complicated and expensive right? Well, that is what I want to eliminate. This generation seems to not care anything about style. I do not know why. If you think I am joking, look at styes in the last century. Style was such a priority and it is progressively dying.
"So what's your style?"
As you can tell, I am always mixing things up. One day I feel like a southern bell and the next I am a punk rocker or a hippy. I could go from 90's grunge to 60's glam all in one day. I think it comes with the territory of being a lover of styles. It is the beauty of style. You can literally be anyone you want to be. It is so crazy to me how much dress change someone's confidence. I always joke that I can do anything in the world, as long as I am wearing the appropriate pair of shoes.
Style, to me, is not about how much you spend or necessarily the label on the tag. I mean it is nice to splurge every now and then, but truly it is about self expression. Style gives a tiny window glance at who you are. For instance, my only unbreakable rule is that I choose to dress modestly. That is my only limitation and I know that I reflect that. I never limit myself to a set style category and I encourage you not to either. Why should you?
"What do other people think?"
I get questions and comments all the time about this blog from opinionated people. Most are nice and encouraging but there are the occasional ones that are somewhat mean and disheartening. I have learned to accept it, it just comes with the territory. I guarantee that most people probablly think that this blog is stupid or silly or amateur or pointless or "insert mean comment here". I know there are people from my past who are sitting back laughing at me every time I make a post. I am sure they come up with fifty ways to make fun of me. I know it happens. I even know some of the people that do it. It's cool, I get it. Honestly, who cares, and what are they doing with their life? Maybe they are cooler than I am. Maybe they do cooler things than I do. Maybe they do have better/more things than I do. Maybe their clothes are cooler and more expensive than mine. To tell you the truth, they probablly are. Those people do not stop me from doing what I want to do.
I do not care about getting laughed at by mean people. I hope you don't either. The truth is, there are cruel people in the world, but there are so many nice people too. I just hope you choose to be among the nice crowd. I want you to be so involved at doing and creating your own dreams that you do not have time to hate on anyone else's. I want you to go after that one thing that you know you would be good at and work hard for it. You can not get somewhere by going nowhere. I want to encourage you, if you are someone out there that is looking to start pursuing a dream, to just go for it. What do you have to lose?
"Don't you think it is Prideful and Boastful?"
The Lord's word says that in the end times, they will be lovers of themselves. I can certainly see that unfolding around me, but I don't feel like giving inspiration is prideful or boastful. If my heart behind it were, "look at me look at me", then yes, maybe... Dressing, for me, is a hobby. It is not the most important thing in my life. I am just as comfortable running to the store with no makeup on and a sweats. A lot of people throw around the scripture about not being a lover of yourself as a reason to not dress well. I think that is a tragedy. I think that the way we dress directly reflects Christ. I think that as a Christian, I am responsible for presenting myself as the best I can be. If we all dressed drab and unattractive, then who would ever want to be a follower of the Lord? It makes it seem like he does not provide, and that is far from the truth.
I want to thank you for taking the time to read this post if you made it this far. I have had literally no time to even take fashion inspo pics, let alone post them. I have not stopped though. I have been so busy with Signs of Hope and painting feathers that my blog been placed on the back-burner a bit. To be honest, I am super sad about that too. I do pretty well with time management, but I could always improve. Please bear with me as I get my schedule sorted out. Thank you so much, and as always thanks for stopping by.
“Therefore I say unto you, What things soever ye desire, when ye pray, believe that ye receive them, and ye shall have them.”