Hello Lovelies, I had anticipated getting a post up for three days. Unfortunately, life happened. I get discouraged with this blog a couple of times a month. That definitely was the case towards the end of this week. I can not tell if it is the Lord telling me that I should not have it, or the enemy trying to discourage me. I even just wrote this whole post, and lost the whole thing when I tried to save it. That set me back one more day. Do you ever just feel like nothing goes right some days? I know I do.
I do know that I want to start incorporating more art into my posts. I have just been at a loss at how I want to do that. I do not know if I have mentioned in previous posts or not, but I have a new art tab. You can see a few things that I have done. There is also a form to fill out if you are interested in commission pieces.
So, I have a great great story to share with you that totally contradicts what I just said about feeling that nothing goes right. Ultimately I know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are called according to his purpose. (Romans 8:28) God places us exactly where we need to be at exactly the right moments always. I am always floored when I can tell that I am right where I am supposed to be. I love seeing that God really is in control of everything.
For the past two months, Jereme and I have been house searching. Thursday, we had a random showing pop up so we left work early to go see it. On the way home, Jereme's mom called explaining that a little man and his wife were at our booth. They to see if they could contact us about a custom piece. It just so happened that we were literally driving by the booth at the very moment that she called us. Since we were right there, we just stopped in to talk to them personally. It turned out to be a couple that had bought three things that I had made previously. We ended up going to their house to measure for the custom piece they wanted. Not only that, we stayed for three hours swapping stories. We got to hear some of the greatest stories, and they were so sweet to each other. When we left, the little man said, "I am so glad that God crossed our paths, apparently we were supposed to."
That little man has no idea, because of all of the things they could have bought from the whole vintage market, they bought three things that I made. More so, out of all of the stuff in our booth that I did not make, they chose my work. Of all the places we could have been, we were right there at just the right time to meet them. I gained two sweet friends there, but the glory is all God. How cool is that?
Leave me comments about some drawings that you would like to see. Like, Comment, Share. Thank you so much for stopping by.
Love always, Sarah Kate.
“And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose.”