Hey, Lovelies. I hope you are having a fabulous week so far. Mine has been great so far. I'm still holding out for cooler weather, but it seems it is going to completely skip over pretty fall her in Arkansas. I keep holding out for the leaves to change, but they just won't. This weekend we were at a car event, it was so hot that it felt like peak summer. What on earth? Jereme got to drive a Ferrari though so bearing the heat was worth it just to see the look on his face. He was so nervous. You can see a snippet on J's instagram.
I am bringing to you a look that pretty much sums me up. This is my preferred color palette. If I had to choose, I would dress in these colors all year long. It works out great for me though, because this yellow is very in this fall. I have always had an obsession for moccasins and Minnetonka's are my favorite. I linked some similar ones below. The slippers look almost identical to this pair (although these are not the slippers) This outfit is perfect for everyday wear. I don't always have a ton to do anymore, so even getting dressed for me lately has been pretty much forced. I feel that if I do get prettied up and I don't go anywhere, it is a total outfit wasted.
Questions about my hair?
I get questions about my hair on a regular basis so I thought I would also comment on that for those of you who are interested. My color is actually completely natural. I started getting a ton of damage when I was constantly coloring my hair back in the day, so I quit. One of my hair "secrets to keeping my hair healthier is that I do not blow dry it. I always let it air dry. And no, before you ask, I do not have extensions. I have had so many girls check my hair for proof., and that is always amusing. I would like to get the Bellami Boo-gatti's. I can't even imagine how that would look. I also always use a heat protectant when I use styling tools. I have used THIS one since high school. To get the curls in this post, I used the 25mm-25mm Bellami wand.
Dose of Faith
Okay, so I know it has been a good minute since I have added in my dose of faith encouragement, but a topic has been on my mind lately that I can't seem to ignore. If you are like me, sometimes the weight of the worlds problems tend to sit on my shoulders. There are so many negative things happening right now that it becomes so easy to get caught up in only that. It is easy to forget the good. Am I right? I mean one of the most important elections of our life is at hand very soon and in the wake of it there have been so many controversies dealing with it. So many scandals, SO many lies. On a different not, I have witnessed so many divorces and so many deaths. Everywhere you turn you could see bad...IF that is what you are choosing to look for.
I am telling you, that is exactly what Satan wants you to focus on. If you spend every minute being afraid of what is to come or what is "so wrong with the world today" you don't have time to be happy and thankful. That is what he wants. I know that it is hard, but we just can't focus on those things. I want you to work this week on focusing on anything good that you can. Do you know how blessed you are to be alive? Isn't that something to rejoice about?
Satan comes to kill, steal, and destroy. He wants to steal your joy in life. He wants to kill your relationships and your worth. He wants to destroy your life in any way that he can. Stop letting him. Every time you think about "how bad things are" and how defeated you are, I challenge you to take those thoughts captive and start being thankful instead. That is the quickest way to slap Satan in the face. Every time you start feeling hopeless about your life and your situation, start listing the things that you a so grateful for. Before you know it, you won't be thinking of those negative things anymore.
Do you know why Satan wants you to focus on those things? It is because it is a distraction from the life you can have with God. While your focusing on those things, you can't also be focusing on being happy, the way that God intends you live. DI you know that? He WANTS YOU TO ENJOY YOUR LIFE! He died so that you may ENJOY life. John 10:10 says that Jesus died on the cross so that you "might have life" and "more abundantly". He did die so that you can struggle miserably from pay-check to paycheck. He didn't die so that you could never get ahead in life. He didn't die so that you would wait on him to take you home because you can't handle the weight of your problems. He died so that you may LIVE and LIVE LIFE ABUNDANTLY. So that you may ENJOY your life. Isn't that amazing. Isn't that freeing?
“10 The thief cometh not, but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy: I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly.”
So today, I encourage you to get up. Find something good that makes you happy and focus on that. Love life. It is such a lie, that you can't live that way. I choose JOY today. Will you?