Hey, dolls. Man it feels good to be back. Vacation was so much fun. Naturally, I was more focused on enjoying the trip than I was blogging. It is hard for Jereme and I to find the opportunity to get away, so any chance we get is literally the biggest blessing. I will post all about our trip in another blog post, so stay tuned for that if you are interested. I simply can not wait to share it with you.
I think that this is by far one of the easiest ways to make yourself look put together. It is also perfect for touristy type things (what we were doing on this particular day). When we go on trips, I like to pack things that are versatile and easy. You can easily take this look in so many different directions with different shoes and accessories. I will say that it felt nothing like fall in Florida, however the weather was so perfect. Cool in the morning and warm by lunch.
I have linked everything you need to recreate this look below. I am so sorry, but these shoes are super old, but still some of my favs, so a linked a pair that will give you the same look. Thank you so much for stopping by, and if you would like to hear some more about my life, keep reading.
Before I go, I have something I want to share with you and ask of you. I like to share some of the more intimate details of my life in hopes that maybe it will help someone else who may be going through the same things that I am. Today, wherever you are, whatever you are doing, I want you to do something nice for someone else. It doesn't matter how big or small. Tell someone they are pretty. Hold the door for someone. I am serious, you have no idea of the effects of doing something nice for someone else. You never ever know what someone else may be going through. That nice thing could help them in more ways than you ever know.
While I was on my trip last week, I had the privilege of getting to see my real mother, and without going into too many details, I have not seen her in eight or nine years, maybe even ten. It has been a long time. What does this have to do with my above request? Well, I have two points make. I suppose I should preface this with the following. I have to admit to you something that won't be easy for some to hear (if you know me and know my life story). I have actually forgiven my mother for a life of abandonment and hurt. It was a long road and it wasn't easy, but I did it.
I wanted to make a stop to see her for so many reasons. I wanted to genuinely see how she was doing. I wanted to catch up. Most of all, I wanted to make her feel loved. It would have been so easy for me to go there and be mean to her. To voice my disapproval in her life's actions. To scold her for so much pain throughout the years. Honestly, it would have been the perfect opportunity, but what would that solve? I think she thought I was going to be mean to her too, because she was SO nervous when we met. She just cried, and all I could do was hug her.
I can't imagine what she was thinking. I cant imagine the emotions she must have felt. To see your daughter after so many years and to not know what to expect. I know how I felt, but again, I just can't imagine from her end. There were so many things that I could have said, but I didn't want to. I wanted to move forward and just let go of the past. I wanted a fresh start for her and me. I wanted to show her that she has been forgiven. I wanted to do something nice for her. I wanted to show her the affection that people would say she doesn't deserve. I wanted to show her all of these things that has passed her by in life.
The thing is, that is what the Lord asks of us. He asks us to forgive. He asks us to love. So I obeyed, simple as that. I needed some heeling, and I can only imagine the same for her. I have had to deal with many tough situations throughout my life, but I can't even begin to tell you about how much worse hers has been than mine. Yes, I know most of her situations came from her own choices, but who doesn't make mistakes? I wanted to show her the love of Christ. I wanted to show her that a great life is achievable through him. I wanted to let her know that even if she is ashamed, if I can forgive her, imagine how much easier God can.
I left in utter shock. I went there with the intentions of helping her, (hopefully I did) but I left learning a lesson myself. I couldn't believe it. While we were taking her home, there was a beggar on the side of the street. She said wait I want to give him some money. I do that all the time too, so that was no big deal to me. What she said afterwards was though. "It doesn't matter what someone asks me for, I will always give it to them. Even if it's the shirt off of my back. You know, I took and took and took from people for so long, for my whole life, that I just feel overwhelmed to give now. Even if it is small." WOW. I was so proud of her in that moment, but then she taught me even more. I think she thought I was judging her, or maybe judging the beggar (who looked like he probablly wasn't telling the truth about what he need the money for, But I didn't say anything). I wasn't.
She then proceeded to tell me about a time in her life when she was as low as she could possibly be. She was homeless and alone. She wanted to end it all, but someones amazing act of kindness changed her mind. It was such an awesome story, but it is not mine to tell. But after the story, she said to me, " You know, I never hesitate to do something nice or give my last dollar to someone like that, because I have been there. Even if they use that money to go buy a beer or a pack of cigarettes. They will remember what you did for them, and even if it isn't immediately, it will stick with and change them. Years from now they might think of that nice thing that someone did for them and want to change for the better. It happened to me. And I don't want anyone to ever feel the way that I did."
Ugh. I could just cry thinking about it. I have never had a problem giving, but even still, that spoke to my heart. So many people write her off as a nothing, but I am here to tell you that she has a heart of gold, even if she makes mistakes. I pray that you can see something good in everyone that you pass today. Go, do something sweet. I couldn't have done that without God. It just wouldn't have been possible. This is also such a great reminder that God can use anyone for his purpose and what you do matters.
“Give, and it will be given to you. A good measure, pressed down, shaken together and running over, will be poured into your lap. For with the measure you use, it will be measured to you.””
“Kind words are like honey—
sweet to the soul and healthy for the body.”
“In the same way, let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven.”
“Give to the one who asks you, and do not turn away from the one who wants to borrow from you.”